Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance stands for responsible, transparent corporate management and control that is oriented toward long-term value creation. We are convinced that good corporate governance is a key component of sustainable business success and that it strengthens the confidence that our shareholders, business partners, employees and the financial markets have in our Company. Important principles of good corporate governance and supervision have been firmly anchored in the Koenig & Bauer Group. We regard integrity and compliance in business dealings as indispensable and pursue a zero tolerance policy. Corporate compliance is not only a duty and responsibility, it is also a business opportunity that we intend to take advantage of. 

Declaration of Compliance with the German Corporate Governance Code
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Corporate Governance Statement
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Articles of Association of Koenig & Bauer AG (PDF)
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Rules of procedure of the Supervisory Board
Download PDF, 73 KB
Rules of procedure of the Management Board
Download PDF, 72 KB
Qualification Matrix of the Supervisory Board – Shareholder Representatives
Download PDF, 134 KB
Qualification Matrix of the Supervisory Board – Employees Representatives
Download PDF, 96 KB
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